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fortbildungsveranstaltung "Chir. KFO von A-Z"


"Chirurgische Kieferorthopädie von A bis z" (9 CME)

Professor Dr. Dr. Dirk Nolte und Dr. Dr. Robert Linsenmann sowie das Team der Praxisklinik mkg-muc tragen viel zum wissenschaftlichen Austausch bei. Finden Sie hier einige unserer Publikationen.

Scientific Literature




  • 19. Nolte D. 
    Dentales Trauma, dentoalveoläres Trauma. MKGupdate, Wiesbaden 2020.


  • 18. Nolte D. 
    S2K-Leitlinie Dentales Trauma. Der junge Zahnarzt 8(4): 36-39, 2017


  • 17. Tschammler C, Angermair J, Grüner F, Nolte D. 
    Milcheckzahntransplantation: Eine neue Technik zur Rehabilitation des traumatischen Zahnverlustes im Kindes- und Jugendalter. Quintessenz „Praktische KFO“


  • 16. Nolte D, Hinrichs K, Lange S.
    Autogene Zahntransplantation: Ein aktueller Evidenz basierter systematischer Review. In: Deutscher Zahnärztkalender 2012 – Das Jahrbuch der Zahnmedizin, Deutscher Ärzteverlag Köln, Herausgeber: Prof. Dr. Detlef Heidemann, 71. Jahrgang, ISBN 978-3-7691-3501-5.


  • 15. Nolte D, Messmer K. 
    Leukocyte-endothelial cell interactions in postischemic tissue: a target for hyperosmolar saline ? In: Primary Resuscitation from Trauma and Shock: the concept of Small Volume Resuscitation using hyperosmolar solutions. Kreimeier U, Christ F, Messmer K (eds.), Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York 2001, pp. xxx-xxx.
  • 14. Hölzle F, Swaid S, Nolte D, Wolff KD. 
    Hämoglobin-Oxygenierung der Haut an verschiedenen Spenderregionen für mikrochirurgische Transplantate. Journal DGPW (2002): 25, 17-22.

1990 - 2000


  • 13. Okamoto S, Corso CO, Nolte D,Yamaoka Y, Messmer K. 
    Impact of brain death on systemic hemodynamics and hepatic microcirculation of transplant-organ donors. 4th International Congress on ‘The Immune Consequences of trauma, Shock and Sepsis’, Munich, germany, 4-8 March, 1997; (E. Faist ed.), Monduzzi Editore, Litosei - Rastignano - Bologna (Italy), pp. 541-543.


  • 12. Pickelmann S, Nolte D, Elstner B, Pröhl M, Waldmann J and Messmer K (1996) 
    Fiberoptical spatial filter anemometry. A novel non-invasive technique for on-line measurement of red blood cell velocity in the microcirculation. In: 6th World Congress for Microcirculation, (K Messmer, WM Kuebler, eds.) Monduzzi Editore, Litosei - Rastignano - Bologna (Italy), pp. 499-503.


  • 11. Nolte D
    Microcirculation, blood rheology, and tissue ischemia. In AnonymousHighlights on Buflomedil." Great Britain: Royal Society of Medicine Press, 1994, 13-14.


  • 10. Lehr HA, Nolte D, Huebner C, Messmer K
    n-3 fatty acids and leukocyte adhesion. In Endres S, DeCaterina R, Kristensen SD, Schmidt EB: (eds): "Fish oil and vascular disease II." Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 1993, 39-47.
  • 9. Lehr HA, Kawasaki K, Galla TJ, Nolte D, Messmer K
    Aggravation of ischemia-reperfusion injury in the striated muscle microcirculation by acute endotoxemia. In Faist E, Meakins JL, Schildberg FW: (eds): "Host Defense Dysfunction in Trauma, Shock, and Sepsis." Berlin Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, 1993, 449-452.
  • 8. Lehr HA, Nolte D, Huebner C, Messmer K
    Dietary fish oil prevents postischemic leukocyte/endothelium interaction through inhibition of leukotriene biosynthesis. In Faist E, Meakins JL, Schildberg FW: (eds): "Host Defense Dysfunction in Trauma, Shock and Sepsis." Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, 1993, 1017-1021.
  • 7. Menger MD, Ernst FD, Nolte D, Messmer K
    Leukozyten-Endothel-Interaktionen bei Ischämie. Forum DR MED 7/93:1993.
  • 6. Nolte D, Krombach F, Lehr HA, Hecht R, Menger MD, Messmer K
    Pharmacological effects on white blood cells in the microcirculation. In Boccalon H: (ed): "Vascular Medicine." Amsterdam - London - New York - Tokyo: Excerpta Medica, 1993, 365-369.
  • 5. Nolte D, Lehr HA, Messmer K
    Adenosine inhibits postischemic leukocyte adhesion to the endothelium of postcapillary venules via A2 receptor. In Faist E, Meakins JL, Schildberg FW: (eds): "Host Defense Dysfunction in Trauma, Shock and Sepsis." Berlin Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, 1993, 399-402


  • 4. Lehr HA, Huebner C, Nolte D, Finckh B, Kohlschuetter A, Messmer K
    Oxidized low density lipoprotein (oxLDL) stimulates leukocyte adhesion to arteriolar endothelium in vivo: Prevention by pharmacologic and dietary inhibition of leukotriene generation. In Gotto AM, Mancini M, Schwandt P: (eds): "Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Treatment of Severe Dyslipoproteinemia in the Prevention of Coronary Heart Disease." Munich: Karger Verlag, 1992, 99-107.


  • 3. Lehr HA, Huebner C, Zimmer JP, Nolte D, Messmer K
    Impact of biophysical plasma membrane properties on leukocyte/endothelium interaction. In Ring J, Przybilla B: (eds): "New trends in allergy III." Berlin Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, 1991.
  • 2. Nolte D, Illner A, Menger MD, Messmer K
    Wirkung kolloidaler Lösungen auf die postischämische Leukozyten/Endothel-Interaktion in postkapillären Venolen: Ein Vergleich zwischen Dextran 70 und HAES 200/0.62. In Vaupel P: (ed): "15. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Mikrozirkulation." Mainz: 1991, 45-48.


  • Nolte D, Lehr HA, Messmer K
    Adenosin inhibiert die postischämische Leukozytenadhärenz in postkapillären Venolen über einen A2-Rezeptor mediierten Mechanismus. In Henrich HA, Trenkel K: (eds): "14. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Mikrozirkulation." Würzburg: Schmitt & Meyer GmbH, 1990, 40-46.

Scientific Publications



  •   107.  Huth KC, Nolte D, Meinzer S. Die autogegen Zahntransplantation als therapeutisches Konzept. Quintessenz Zahnmedizin 2021 (in preparation)
  • 106. Nolte D.  Milchzahntransplantation: Chirgisches Techniken und Indikationen MBZ 7-8:  47, 2021
  • 105. Wimmer  L, Petrakakis P, El-Mahdy K, Hermann S, Nolte D. Implant-prosthetic rehabilitation of patients with severe horizontal bone deficit on miniimplants with tow-piece desing - Retro - spective analysis after a mean follow up of 5 years.                                                                                                                                                                                           Int J Implant Dent 7:71-85, 2021                                                                                   (
  • 104.  Hoss F, El-Mahdy, K, Linsenmann R, Franz, CW Nolte D. Primary tooth autotransplantation: Update and retrospective clinical study. Acta Odontol Scand 2021                                                                                                     (


-    2020

  • 103. Angermair J, Nolte D, Linsenmann R, Kunzelmann K-H. 
    Influence of storage temperature on fracture behaviour of cryopreserved teeth. An in-vitro study. Clin. Exp. Dent. Res. 2020,                                                                                                                                                                                                                1-8 (
  • 102. Nolte D. 
    Hot Topic: Dentales Trauma, dentoalveoläres Trauma. Wiesbaden, 24-25.01.2020 MKG-UpDate, Kap. 7, S. 1-24, 2020


  • 101. Wagner F, Krause A, Nolte D. 
    Fallbericht: Multiple Nichtanlagen – Update nach 11 Jahren. ZM 108, Nr. 22, 16.11.2018, Seite 48-52
  • 100. Nolte D, Braikeh S, Kurfurst B, Krause A, Linsenmann R (2018) 
    Case Report: Multiple Tooth Agenesis-A Re-Update after 11 Years. Int J Dent Oral Health 4(4): (


  • 99. Michl I, Nolte D, Tschammler C, Henzler M, Linsenmann R, Angermair J. 
    Premolar autotransplantation in juvenile dentition: quantitative assessment of vertical bone and soft tissue growth. Feb 22. pii: S2212-4403(17)30061-5. doi: 10.1016/j.oooo.2017.02.002.
  • 98. Nolte D, Tschammler C, Henzler M, Linsenmann R, Angermair J. 
    Two-Phase Transplantation (TPTX) Concept: A new approach for instant rehabilitation of young children after avulsion of central incisor. Open J Stomatol 7:136-147, 2017
  • 97. Nolte D. 
    S2k-Leitlinie “Dentales Trauma“ – auf den Punkt gebracht. Der junge zahnarzt 04: 36-39, 2017


  • 96. Nolte D Angermair J, Auras S, Beck J, Berger C, Bücher K, Deppe H, Ebeleseder K, Esch J, Gernhardt G, Gomez-Roman G, Jakobs W, Jost-Brinkmann P-G, Kopp I, Neff A, Pistner H, Pohl Y, Proff P, Schulze D, Terheyden H, Ullner M, Viergutz G, Weiger R, Weng D, Wenz H-J. 
    Neue S2K-Leitlinie: Therapie des dentalen Traumas bleibender Zähne. ZM 106, Nr. 11 A, 1.6.2016: 1252-1259.


  • 95. Nolte D et al. (Angermair J, Auras S, Beck J, Berger C, Bücher K, Deppe H, Ebeleseder K, Esch J, Gernhardt G, Gomez-Roman G, Jakobs W, Jost-Brinkmann P-G, Kopp I, Neff A, Pistner H, Pohl Y, Proff P, Schulze D, Terheyden H, Ullner M, Viergutz G, Weiger R, Weng D, Wenz H-J). 
    Leitlinie Dentales Trauma bleibender Zähne, Registernummer 083-004
  • 94. Tschammler C, Angermair J, Grüner F, Nolte D. 
    Milcheckzahntransplantation: Eine neue Technik zur Rehabilitation des traumatischen Zahnverlustes im Kindes- und Jugendalter. Quintessenz (Praktische Kieferorthopädie) 29(4): 395-401, 2015
  • 93. Nolte D, Linsenmann R, Kolgeci N, Angermair J. 
    Esthetic restoration with Straumann® PURE® Ceramic implants. Starget online publication. September 4, 2015.
  • Straumann Science Website
  • 92. Nolte D, Linsenmann R, Kolgeci N, Angermair J. 
    Ästhetisch-implantologische Versorgung mit Zirkon-Implantaten. Dent. Implantol. 19 (4): 272 - 275, 2015 .
  • 91. Angermair J, Dettmar P, Linsenmann R, Nolte D. 
    Laser therapy of a dermal nevus in the esthetic zone of the nasal tip: A case report and comprehensive literature review. J Cosmetic and Laser Therapy 24:1-16, 2015
  • 90. Tschammler C, Angermair J, Heiligensetzer M, Linsenmann R, Nolte D. 
    Primary canine auto-transplantation: a new surgical technique. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 119(2): 158-169, 2015.


  • 89. Huth KC, Nazet M, Paschos E, Linsenmann R, Hickel R, Nolte D.
    Autotransplantation and surgical uprighting of impacted or retained teeth: A retrospective clinical study and evaluation of patient satisfaction. Acta Odontol Scand 71(6): 1538-46, 2013


  • 88. Nolte D, Hinrichs K, Lange S. 
    Die autogene Zahntransplantation: Evidenzbasierte aktuelle Daten. Dtsch Zahnärztl Z 66 (4): 279-294, 2011
  • 87. Nolte D, Linsenmann R, Huth K.
    Autogene Zahntransplantation - Neue Perspektiven. MKG-Chirurg 4:92-101, 2011


  • 86. Hungerer S, Nolte D, Elstner B, Pröhl M, Messmer K. 
    Fiber optical spatial filter anemometry – intravital measurement of red blood flow velocity (RBCV) in the microcirculation. Artific Cells Blood Sustit Biotechnol 38(3):119-28, 2010


  • 85. Nolte D, Linsenmann R, Knöbl T, Krause A. 
    Autogene Milchzahntransplantation – Ein Fallbericht. ZM 98, Nr. 21, 01.11.2008, Seite 40-44.


84. Holzle F, Watola A, Kesting MR, Nolte D, Wolff KD.
Atrophy of free fibular grafts after mandibular reconstruction. Plast Reconstr Surg. 119(1):151-6, 2007.


  • 83. Hölzle F, Kesting MR, Nolte D, Loeffelbein DJ, Swaid S, Wolff KD. 
    Reversible ischaemia after raising a radial forearm flap with ulceration of three fingers in a cigarette smoker. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 44(1):57-9, 2006
  • 82. Hölzle F, Loeffelbein DJ, Nolte D, Wolff KD. 
    Free flap monitoring using simultaneous non-invasive laser Doppler flowmetry and tissue spectrophotometry. J Craniomaxillofac Surg. 34(1):25-33, 2006.
  • 81. Hungerer S, Nolte D, Botzlar A, Messmer K. 
    Effects of Diaspirin Crosslinked Hemoglobin (DCLHb) on microcirculation and local tissue pO2 of striated skin muscle following resuscitation from hemorrhagic shock. Artif Cells Blood Substit Immobil Biotechnol. 34(5):455-71, 2006.
  • 80. Nolte D, Hinrichs K, Lange S. 
    Die autogene Zahntransplantation: Aktuelle evidenzbasierte Daten für die tägliche Praxis. ZM (Zahnärztliche Mitteilungen) 96:24, 44-50, 16.12.2006.
  • 79. Wolff K-D, Böckmann R, Nolte D, Wysluch A, Hölzle F. 
    Limitations of blood supply to the skin flap in face lift surgery: an anatomical study. Mund Kiefer Gesichtschir.9(1):1-5, 2005.
  • 78. Böckmann R, Schulz T, Stein H, Mielke E, Dengler K, Wolff K-D, Nolte D.
    Bilateral synchronous submandibular lumps in a patient with gastric carcinoma (Case Report). J Oral Pathol Med. 34(2):127-8, 2005.
  • 77. Hölzle F, Rau A, Swaid S, Loeffelbein DJ, Nolte D, Wolff KD. 
    [Simultaneous noninvasive monitoring for radial forearm and fibula flaps using laser Doppler flowmetry and tissue spectrophotometry]. Mund Kiefer Gesichtschir 9(5):290-9, 2005


  • 76. Wolff KD, Holzle F, Nolte D
    Perforator flaps from the lateral lower leg for intraoral reconstruction. Plast Reconstr Surg 2004: 113:107-113.
  • 75. Szczęsny G, Veihelmann A, Massberg S, Nolte D. Messmer K
    Long-term anesthesia using inhatatory isofluran in different strains of mice. Laboratory Animals 38: 64-69, 2004.
  • 74. Wolff K-D, Swaid S, Nolte D, Böckmann RA, Hölzle F, Müller-Mai C. 
    Degradable injectable bone cement in maxillofacial surgery: indications and clinical experience in 27 patients. J Cranio-Maxillofac Surg 32: 71-79, 2004.
  • 73. Langer S, Galla Th, Steinau HU, Homann HH, Nolte D. 
    Die Bedeutung der Mikrozirkulation in der Plastischen Chirurgie. Handchir Mikrochir Plast Chir 36: 197-204, 2004
  • 72. Langer S, Kiml C, Köller M, Steinau HU, Nolte D, Khandoga A, Homann HH. 
    Visualization of platelet/endothelium interaction during ischemia-reperfusion injury in muscle flaps: A novel model in BALB/c mice. Ann Plast Surg 53(2): 137-140, 2004
  • 71. Nolte D, Kuebler WM, Muller WA, Wolff K-D, Messmer K. 
    Attenuation of leukocyte sequestration by selective blockade of PECAM-1 or VCAM-1 in murine endotoxemia. Eur Surg Res 36: 331-337, 2004.
  • 70. Nolte D, Gollmitzer I, Loeffelbein DJ, Hoelzle F, Wolff K-D. 
    Botulinum Toxin zur Behandlung des gustatorischen Schwitzens: eine prospektive randomisierte Therapiestudie. Mund Kiefer Gesichtschir 8(6):369-75, 2004.
  • 69. Hölzle F, Swaid S, Schiwy T, Wölfelschneider P, Nolte D, Wolff K-D. 
    Management of zygomatic fractures via a transkonjunctival approach with lateral canthotomy while preserving the lateral ligament. Mund Kiefer GesichtsChir 8: 296-301, 2004.


  • 68. Nolte D, Pickelmann S, Swaid S, Hölzle F, Wolff K-D. 
    Sauerstofftragende Lösungen verbessern die Gewebeoxygenation im quergestreiften Hautmuskel nach kritischer Ischämiezeit. Mund-Kiefer-Gesichtschir. 7:31-35, 2003
  • 67. Nolte D, Gollmitzer I, Löffelbein D, Wolff KD. 
    [Titelstory] Botulinum Toxin zur Behandlung des gustatorischen Schwitzens. Zahnärztliche Mitteilungen 93, 11: 1362-1368, 01. Juni 2003.
  • 66. Hölzle F, Swaid S, Nolte D, Wolff KD. 
    Nutritive perfusion at donor site after microvascular fibula transfer. Microsurgery 23: 306-312, 2003
  • 65. Szczęsny G, Veihelmann A, Massberg S, Nolte D. Messmer K
    Long-term anesthesia using inhatatory isofluran in different strains of mice. Laboratory Animals 38: 64-69, 2003.


  • 64. Hoffmann JN, Steinhagen S, Kast C, Raab S, Scheuber HP, Jochum M, Thein E, Inthorn D, Schildberg FW, Nolte D.
    Chronic left heart catheterization for microvascular blood flow determination: A minimally invasive technique using specially designed port devices. J. Surg. Res. 102 : 119-125, 2002
  • 63. Hölzle F, Swaid S, Nolte D, Wolff K-D. 
    Hämoglobin-Oxygenierung der Haut an verschiedenen Spenderregionen für mikrochirurgische Transplantate. Journal DGPW 25: 17-22, 2002
  • 62. Botzlar A, Steinhauser P, Nolte D. 
    Effects of ultra-purified polymerized bovine hemoglobin on local tissue oxygen tension in striated skin muscle – an efficacy study in the hamster. Eur. Surg. Res. 34:106-113, 2002
  • 61. Szczęsny G, Veihelmann A, Nolte D, Olszewski WL, Messmer K
    Protekcyjny wpływ heparyny wywierany na mikrokrążenie w obrębie tkanek miękkich kończyny. Pamiętnik 60 Jubileuszowego Zjazdu Towarzystwa Chirurgów Polskich, Biblioteka Polskiego Przeglądu Chirurgicznego, tom I, 240-244, Warszawa 2002.


  • 60. Szczesny G, Veihelmann A, Nolte D, Messmer K
    Changes in the local blood and lymph microcirculation in response to direct mechanical trauma applied to leg. In vivo study in an animal model. J Trauma 51(3):508-517, 2001
  • 59. Szczesny G, Veihelmann A, Nolte D, Olszewski WL, Messmer K. 
    Heparin protects local skin microcirculation in 210 minutes-long intravital microscopy observations under general anesthesia.. Eur J Med Res 6: 175-180, 2001.
  • 58. Szczesny G, Veihelmann A, Nolte D, Olszewski WL, Messmer K. 
    Heparin protects local skin microcirculation during general anesthesia with isofluran. (in press)
  • 57. Szczesny G, Veihelmann A, Massberg S, Nolte D, Messmer K. 
    Long-term anesthesia using inhalatory isofluran in different strains of mice. Laboratory animals (in press)
  • 56. Kirschner et al., 
    Osteosynthesis Int.


  • 55. Steinhagen S, Hoffmann JN, Inthorn D, Raab S, Scheuber HP, Jochum M, Schildberg FW, Nolte D.
    Etablierung eines neuen minimal-invasiven Modells zur repetitiven Messung der Organperfusion beim Kaninchen. Langenbecks Arch Chir Suppl Kongressbd 569-572, 2000.
  • 54. Nolte D, Pickelmann S, Lang M, Messmer K
    Effect of different colloids as vehicle for Perflubron emulsion - an intravital microscopic study in the hamster. Anesthesiology 93(5): 1261-1270, 2000
  • 53. Szczesny G, Nolte D, Veihelmann A, Messmer K
    A new chamber technique for intravital microscopic microcirculatory observations in soft tissues of a mouse hindleg. J Trauma 49:1108-1115, 2000
  • 52. Szczęsny G, Veihelmann A, Nolte D, Leiderer R, Schutze E, Messmer K, Olszewski WL
    Lymphatic and venous changes leading to posttraumatic edema formation of the lower limbs. Shock 13(suppl):154-158, 2000


  • 51.  Nolte D, Stütz N, Matzke H, Mayr A, Galanos C, Meßmer K
    Effekte von Paramunitätsinducern auf die Überlebensrate und Leukozyten/Endothel-Interaktion bei muriner Endotoxinämie. Langenbecks Arch Chir Suppl Kongressbd 559-562, 1999.
  • 50. Nolte D, Raab S, Thein E, Draenert K, Ehrenfeld M, Messmer K
    Ein neues experimentelles Modell zur repetitiven Messung der ossären Durchblutung. Mund-Kiefer-Gesichtschirurgie 3 (Suppl 1): S147-S150, 1999.
  • 49. Nolte D, Pickelmann S, Moellmann M, Schuetze E, Kuebler W, Leiderer R, Messmer K
    Effects of the phlebotropic drug Daflon 500mg on postischemic microvascular disturbances in striated skin muscle: an intravital microscopic study in the hamster. J Lab Clin Med 134(5):526-35,1999.
  • 48. Pickelmann S, Nolte D, Leiderer R, Möllmann M, Schütze E, Messmer K. 
    Effects of the phlebotropic drug Daflon 500mg on postischemic reperfusion injury in striated skin muscle: A histomorphological study in the hamster. J Lab Clin Med 134(5):536-45, 1999.


  • 47. Nolte D, Kinner B, Messmer K
    [Adenosine attenuates endotoxin induced leukocyte accumulation in vivo]. Effekte von Adenosin auf die intravasale Akkumulation von Leukozyten und den Gewebeschaden im quergestreiften Muskel bei Endotoxinämie. Langenbecks Arch Chir Suppl Kongressbd 173-175, 1998.
  • 46. Pickelmann S, Nolte D, Messmer K. 
    [Effects of Daflon® 500 mg on postischemic reperfusion injury in striated skin muscle]. Effekte von Daflon® 500 mg auf den Reperfusionsschaden nach Ischämie und Reperfusion im quergestreiften Muskel. Langenbecks Arch Chir Suppl Kongressbd :353-356, 1998.
  • 45. Pickelmann S, Nolte D, Leiderer R, Schütze E, Messmer K. 
    Attenuation of postischemic reperfusion injury in striated skin muscle by diaspirin-crosslinked hemoglobin. Am J Physiol 275:H361-368, 1998.
  • 44. Okamoto S, Corso CO, Nolte D, Rascher W, Thiery J, Yamaoka Y, Messmer K.
    Impact of brain death on hormonal homeostasis and hepatic microcirculation of transplant organ donors. Tranplant Int 11 (S1): 404-407, 1998.
  • 43. Veihelmann A, Szczesny G, Nolte D,Krombach F, Refior HJ, Messmer K
    A novel model for the study of synovial microcirculation in the mouse knee joint in vivo. Res Exp Med 198: 4354, 1998


  • 42. Nolte D, Botzlar A, Pickelmann S, Bouskela E, Messmer K
    Effects of diaspirin crosslinked hemoglobin on the microcirculation of striated muscle in the hamster: a study on safety and efficacy. J Lab Clin Med 130:1997.
  • 41. Nolte D, Steinhauser P, Berger S, Pickelmann S, Härtl R, Messmer K
    Effects of diaspirin crosslinked hemoglobin on local tissue oxygen tension in striated skin muscle of conscious hamsters. J Lab Clin Med 14:296-302, 1997.
  • 40. Okamoto S, Corso CO, Nolte D, Yamaoka Y, Messmer K
    [Liver transplantation in brain-dead organ donors: a new experimental model for study of hepatic microcirculation and organ function after induction of brain death]. Langenbecks Arch Chir Suppl Kongressbd 114:275-277, 1997.
  • 39. Nolte D, Dehning B, Flemisch S, Muller WA, Galanos C, Messmer K
    [Blockade of platelet endothelial cell adhesion molecule-1 (PECAM-1, CD31) prevents endotoxin-induced microvascular leak syndrome in striated muscle of the BALB/c mouse]. Langenbecks Arch Chir Suppl Kongressbd 114:639-642, 1997.
  • 38. Pickelmann S, Flemisch S, Enders G, Vestweber D, Messmer K, Nolte D
    [Biological significance of the vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1, CD 106) for post-ischemic leukocyte/endothelium interaction in skin muscle of the BALB/c mouse] Langenbecks Arch Chir Suppl Kongressbd 114:643-646, 1997.
  • 37. Harris AG, Hecht R, Peer F, Nolte D, Messmer K
    An improved intravital microscopy system. Int J Microcirc Clin Exp 17:322-327, 1997.
  • 36. Nolte D, Pickelmann S, Schuetze E, Messmer K
    Effects of Daflon 500 mg on postischemic macromolecular leak syndrome in striated skin muscle of the hamster. Int J Microcirc Clin Exp 17(suppl 1): 6-10, 1997.


  • 35. Nolte D, Schmitt M, Kinner B, Galanos C, Vestweber D, Messmer K
    Monoclonal antibodies to P- or E-selectin for therapeutical interference with leukocyte sequestration in striated muscle of the BALB/c mouse after endotoxinemia. Langenbecks Arch Chir 27-31, 1996.
  • 34. Pickelmann S, Nolte D, Messmer K
    Effects of the modified hemoglobin solution DCLHb on the microcirculation of striated muscle after ischemia-reperfusion. Langenbecks Arch Chir 97-100, 1996.
  • 33. Botzlar A, Nolte D, Messmer K
    Effects of ultra-purified polymerized bovine hemoglobin on the microcirculation of striated muscle in the hamster. Eur J Med Res 1:471-478, 1996.


  • 32. Lehr HA, Becker M, Seemueller J, Kress E, Nolte D, Huebner C, Menger MD, Messmer K
    Microvascular events during the development of atherosclerosis: Mediator cross-talk in oxidized LDL-induced leukocyte/endothelium interaction. Prog Appl Microcirc 21:79-89, 1995.
  • 31. Nolte D, Vestweber D, Hecht R, Messmer K
    Monoclonal antibodies to L-selectin or P-selectin attenuate postischemic reperfusion injury in striated muscle. Langenbecks Arch Chir Forum 399-403, 1995.
  • 30. Nolte D, Messmer K
    Tissue protection by anti-ischemic drugs. Minerva Cardioangiologica 43:485-491, 1995.
  • 29. Nolte D, Menger MD, Messmer K
    Microcirculatory models of ischemia-reperfusion injury in skin and striated muscle. Int J Microcirc Clin Exp 15:9-16, 1995.
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  • 27. Lehr HA, Huebner B, Nolte D, Menger MD, Messmer K
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    Monoclonal antibody against the leukocyte adhesion molecule Mac-1 (CD11b) prevents postischemic leukocyte adherence in vivo. Langenbecks Arch Chir Forum (Suppl):333-337, 1993.
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  • 20. Lehr HA, Kroeber M, Huebner C, Vajkoczy P, Menger MD, Nolte D, Kohlschuetter A, Messmer K
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  • 12. Lehr HA, Huebner C, Finckh B, Nolte D, Beisiegel U, Kohlschuetter A, Messmer K
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  • 6. Lehr HA, Huebner C, Finckh B, Angermueller S, Nolte D, Beisiegel U, Kohlschuetter A, Messmer K
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  • 2. Nolte D, Lehr HA, Messmer K
    Adenosine inhibits postischemic leukocyte-endothelium interaction in postcapillary venules of the hamster. Am J Physiol 261:H651-H655, 1991.
  • 1. Nolte D, Lehr HA, Sack FU, Messmer K
    Reduction of postischemic reperfusion injury by the vasoactive drug buflomedil. Blood Vessels 28
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